Say hello to...
my new Nikon!!
Basically my husband loves to spoil me.
I feel like I have so many things to write about from the various Christmas happenings, so here is a brief synopsis of the past week.
Thursday night, we went out to dinner with Kress & Debbie and stayed over at their house.
Friday night, we had a little get-together, which wound up being only 3 couples - me & Doug, Kress & Debbie, and Doug's friend Al & his girlfriend, Catherine. The girls demolished the boys in Taboo (naturally), and then Kress & Debbie stayed over at our place! We obviously LOVE sleepovers.

Saturday night, Doug & I did our stockings.

Sunday morning we drove back home to New York to surprise my family for Christmas. (Point of interest, at least to us: we made it in under 5 hours!! This is definitely a new record.) We are going back out next weekend, which seems a little superfluous, but after all, "For the holidays, you can't beat home sweet home." Proven so true while we were there! We made cheater gingerbread houses (i.e. graham crackers on half & half containers), we decorated cookies, we carried on our Christmas Eve tradition of lighting candles & singing "Silent Night," we gave more presents that I think we've ever given before - I think everyone went a little over the top this year! It was blissful. I can't wait to go back and see even more family & friends!!
We returned to Michigan the morning after Christmas, and Doug's dad and Beth got here at just about the same time we did! We had the Parton family Christmas dinner & gift exchange, which was fun. Griffin & Leslie were a riot opening all their gifts - I think they were shell-shocked by all the new toys! Let's be honest - when there are only two grandchildren/niece&nephew - easy to spoil! :)
Today, I've been trying to catch up. Cleaning, organizing, unpacking, laundry, more cleaning... I absolutely love the fact that I don't have to work again until January 7th!! Oh, I did promise a blog with in-depth reflections on my first semester. I'll get to that.
I'll end with a picture from my beautiful new camera. This is my African violet, which has not done well with the weather change. However, last week I put a towel under it and doused it in water, allowing it to overflow & suck up as much water as it needed. This seems to have worked, as I am finally seeing new growth in the middle of the plant.
"New Beginnings"