
happy new year

Looking forward to in 2012:
- Turning 27? 
- Going to Costa Rica with my seniors
- My parents' 30th anniversary
- Celebrating 5 years of marriage with Doug
- Continuing to see God's faithfulness in our adoption journey
- New babies in the extended Bannister family
-  & much more! (Some that can't be divulged yet. Ooh, suspense!) 
(trying to keep my readers hooked here!)

Big Resolution:
Ephesians 4:1-3
... live a life worth of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble & gentle;
be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit
through the bond of peace.

Mini Monthly Resolutions: January
Decided to do mini monthly resolutions/goals with weekly wishes this year.
- Complete home study
- Work out 2 x's a week

Weekly Wishes:
- Get to doctor's office to pick up paperwork.
- Go to Planet Fitness & sign up for membership.
- Paint mini bookshelf.

Happy 2012!


  1. what's on your head?

  2. I like the idea of mini monthly resolutions. Easier to cross things off your list! And I love to-do lists! Sometimes I make them just to cross things off! :)

  3. mom, it's a headband with a fake tiara that says "happy new year"... obviously.
