I understand the opposition to the commercialism of Valentine’s Day, and I definitely don’t support the mindset that if your significant other doesn’t send you a dozen roses, take you out to dinner, and present you with some too-expensive piece of jewelry, something is terribly wrong with your relationship. However, I still enjoy the day.
I really get into decorating for holidays. Valentine’s Day I try to keep a little lower key, because things could quickly get out of hand. I decorated with a couple ornaments I made, a few cut out hearts, and some red candles. I also got some beautiful roses that drastically improved my centerpiece. Also, I may or may not have worn a pink sweater and tiny red earrings to work today.
When I was in elementary school, Mom would always help me make valentines to give to my classmates. I always thought this was particularly awesome, as it was time that Mom & I would just sit at the table talking and doing paper crafts. My favorite valentines were the ones we made using red heart doilies and clippings from seed catalogs. We would cut out pictures of various fruits and vegetables, paste them to the doilies and write the following inscriptions, as applicable to the fruit/veggie clipping:
“Lettuce be Valentines!”
“Do you carrot all for me?”
“You’re the apple of my eye.”
“Peas be mine.”
"My heart beets for you."
So “corny”… but we loved it!
Sadly, the corniness did not end with elementary school. Last year I made valentines with little cartoons on them, with equally cheesy inscriptions. Here’s a sample (re-created in paint)…
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