

1 // family walk
2 // a gorgeous [cold!] afternoon
3 // our path
4 // naturally there was rock throwing
5 // i feel compelled to share that this was a family effort... not just bo's little rock.
6 // not many things better than his laugh
7 // there was also... stick chewing by certain members of our party.
8 // caught in a stare
9 // chasing
10 // caught.
11 // lingering
12 // this weirdo.
13 // sun squints
14 // goofball
15 // excuse while i melt into a little puddle
16 // 
delicious autumn! my very soul is wedded to it, and if i were a bird, 
i would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
george eliot


  1. What great pictures!! I love the chasing one - what a cool angle! And how do you get Zooey to stay with you, near water, without a leash?! That is impressive! Chloe would be all over the place.

  2. Lots to comment, Bo is so so cute - I love the one that he's smirking at the camera. Doug, proud of you for always sporting your Detroit gear. That pic of Zooey is so funny. I think we need to plan a visit...

    1. Thanks, Sar! The smirk is one of my favorites too. Yes - always a lot of Detroit wear in our house. Ugh Zooey. And YESSSSS please come visit!!!
