It's true!! I am going back to Africa! My heart feels like bursting with joy & anticipation.
This past November, Doug & I went on a trip with the Charis Foundation to visit two churches in Ethiopia and Kenya, and I have been blessed with the opportunity to return this summer, July 30th - August 9th (Doug will unfortunately not be going this time).
I am SO excited to reunite with the amazing people we met, and I am SO thankful that God has enabled us to partner with these churches and share in their efforts to spread the Gospel!
For this mission trip, I need to raise $1,500. If you feel the Lord leading you to share in this ministry with me, you can use your credit card securely at World Orphans. Please include my personal trip ID in the memo field: ST7025-Parton.
Most importantly, please pray for our trip. Pray for unity among team members. Pray for continued building of relationships and the partnership with the churches. Pray for wholehearted reliance on God to do awesome things for His Glory!
Thank you for your generosity and prayers!

"Learn to do right!
Seek justice,
encourage the oppressed.
Defend the case of the fatherless,
plead the case of the widow."
- Isaiah 1:17
very exciting! i'm sure you're thrilled. are you going in august?
ReplyDeletemiss you.
This is going to sound selfish but I hope you don't go in august