
recently i'm...

I've been on a Pinterest experiment spree! I've made...

See previous post. Mom's chewy chocolate cookies.
Staying busy:
Yesterday was the end of our busy season at work,
and I don't mean to brag, but Katy & I - just the two of us - 
got our 40-some clients over $6 million in technology reimbursements and discounts.
So. If you work at a school or library, let us hook you up.

Ready for:
Spring weather. 
Now that it's staying lighter longer... I'm just ready for warm weather.
Getting initiated:
My kid threw up in the car for the first time this past weekend.
Like, not baby spit up. Real, chunky, nasty-smelling puke.
You're welcome for the imagery, Internet.

Excited about:
Bo's first Easter.
I got him some cute little gardening/sand tools, and when Doug saw them,
he asked, "Are these for Bo... or for you?"
Amused by:
Bo is babbling more and more each day.
My favorite phrase that it sounds like he says is: "What is it?"
I need to get it on video.

Impressed by:
Bo is eating a lot more solids. 
He still sometimes struggles with textures, but he has come a long way!
Making the ubiquitous Sharpie mugs for our church's women's event.
More on that later!

- a last minute trip to NY this past weekend
- Bo talking to his toy elephant whenever he wakes up
- Cadbury mini eggs
- a nap this afternoon


  1. I bragged today about Bo's amazing ability to "High Five" & "Fist bump"! :)

  2. Love your posts and I just nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out my post and follow instructions! :)

  3. Enjoyment of life comes across so clearly in your posts! As for puking in the car stories, Lily did this a while ago. My brother was driving like crazy through the hills of Pennsylvania and she was sleeping. Then IT happened...All of a sudden, all over the place. I took her pj's off, threw them out the door, and we kept driving while I held her the rest of the way. Now I always hope someone didn't find the pj's on the side of the road and freak out.

  4. I got little gardening tools for Colden's Easter basket too - including an elephant watering can!
