
recently i'm... (22)

Excited about: Obviously. The auction!!

Looking forward to: Um, everything about Christmas. Decorating, baking, family, friends, parties, snow, giving gifts, no school, New York, laughter, the smell of Christmas trees... everything!

Listening to: Christmas music! There's a chance I might be obsessed with some Michael Buble Christmas songs. Don't judge.

Swamped with: Grading. I have dug myself into a hole. Or rather, I have buried myself under a mountain. A dismal, growing mountain of essays, diary projects, college portfolios, 7th hour tests, and journal entries... with research papers on the way.

Sewing: Yeah, this has been on the back burner since I finished my last project. Which I don't think I ever posted pictures of as promised. Oops. Here's one of the dresses.
My apologies to those of you waiting on orders. Next up: a onesie for Debbie! I have some really fun ideas for projects, so we'll see if I get to those in time to create some Christmas gifts...

Watching: It's been awhile since I watched Glee. I made the mistake of watching a recent episode on Hulu two nights ago, and I almost threw up in my mouth. The show exists now solely to be as sexually provocative as possible, I'm pretty sure.

Obsessed with: Christmas mint M&M's. Delish.

Baking: Made double chocolate cupcakes for my small group girls last night. Mom's recipe for chocolate frosting = divine. Though... when I was trying to get creative with the frosting, some of it ended up looking like... well... piles of... you know. Poo.

Trying to remember: 10-on-10-on-Saturday.

Working on: Slowly but surely gathering documents for our home study/dossier.

Off to: make dinner!

** Edit: I randomly remembered the Radvent project I did a little of last year, and went to the blog that started the project. Today's question:

Have you ever taken a trip that changed your outlook on something, inspired you to consider a new worldview, or helped you fulfill an important goal?

YES. You can read about it here!

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