
recently i'm... (19)

Loving: all the support and encouragement we're getting from friends and family in our adoption process! You guys are AWESOME.

Waiting: to hear from our agency about whether we're accepted or not! Eeek. We have a lot of waiting to get used to! :)

Baking: red velvet cupcakes for my small group girls tomorrow

Sewing: uggghhhhh - I can't say or show a picture because it's a surprise for someone! Oh, the suspense. It's probably killing me more than any of you...

Enjoying: the beautiful fall weather. I try not to complain about the weather, but man alive - I am loving this sunshine.

Excited about: SO much! Family/friends planning visits, the walkathon on Saturday (and the accompanying forecasted temperature - 81 degrees!), becoming a mom (look at this turning into a mom blog already... it's disgusting), a short work week... the list could go on.

Reading: I finished the books mentioned in my last "recently i'm"... Ella Minnow Pea was SO cute. I loved it. The Story of a Marriage was really interesting, with a lot of surprises. Beautifully written.

Listening to: "Woods" by Bon Iver > "Still" by Volcano Chair > "Lost in the World" by Kanye. Love when creative artists collaborate!

Cheering for: the Tigers! Beat those Yanks!

Going to bed before 10? Yeah, I'm pretty awesome.

Sept. 2009

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