What up, John Mayer reference.
Many friends have asked for pictures of the inside of our house...
And I realized looking through these pictures that for some reason I didn't take any upstairs.
Took a picture in the attic, naturally... but skipped the floor in between for some reason.
I give you: the downstairs & attic.
View from front door:
Living room:
We're told this used to be part of the living room before a dividing wall was added.
Right now it is my home office.
Office/entertainment... nook... hall... place.
Dining room
Kitchen (with a peek of downstairs bath & laundry room)
And, as promised, attic:

So I guess I'll just keep everyone in suspense about the second floor until a future post.
(Really, this isn't a literary tactic. I'm just forgetful.)
Spoiler alert: We are going to be doing some light painting in the kitchen.
At some point. Hopefully within the next month.
We have substantially decreased the amount of boxes still laying around,
and the guest bed has sheets on it.
SO - come on over, friends & family.