
six real quick

1. The good news is that I feel like my long weekend lasted for about 2 weeks. The bad news is that all my freshmen turned in papers today.

2. The best news is that there are only 3 weeks until Christmas break.

3. Why is my Christmas Wish List always so much more extensive than Doug's? Why are boys so hard to buy gifts for? And, why are all my thoughtful gift ideas for Doug so expensive? Furthermore, why is Doug's birthday the week before Christmas?

4. I told a student recently that I couldn't keep "spoon-feeding" him or he'll "get to college and starve". Today he told me he had finished two of four assigned essays and proudly announced, "Look at me feeding myself!"

5. Someone once told me (probably my mom): "Anyone can be cynical and complain. It takes character to deal with things positively." I am not very good at applying this principle to my life, but I really want to improve... In my small groups, we always share praises along with prayer requests - I need to make that a daily practice.

6. Today's praise: I felt genuinely rested and prepared to come back to school. My long weekend was amazingly relaxing and fun. Plus, I get to have dinner at Katy's tonight, and it's been a long time since we've hung out!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I have the same problem. Martin's birthday is on December 11 and then Christmas is just around the corner. This year I'm thinking of getting just a really nice Christmas present and making a nice dinner for his birthday.
