
the time i tried to burn our house down

I just walked in the door from a day at school and thought to myself, "Wow! My house smells delectable. I'm so glad I got those Yankee candles."

I checked my email, remembered that I missed an episode of Glee and it would be on Hulu, so I decided to make some popcorn for me & Zooey and snuggle up.

Went over to the microwave, glanced at the candle on the stove... and realized it was still burning. From when I lit it last night.

THAT could have ended poorly...


  1. Been there, done that. Except for me it would have been an entire dorm...it now makes sense to me why they wouldn't let us have candles in the dorm.

  2. I left a jar candle burning all night at the office. The morning maintenance crew found it... and reported it... oops.
