

MSNBC finally aired their segment on Peaches & Greens!!!

If you missed it, here is the clip!


  1. Sweet! And what a great name!

  2. Cool Rae!
    Thanks for providing that link!
    I feel so special to have actually seen the place :)

  3. Anthony payne9/4/09, 9:07 PM

    Hi, I came across your blog by googling Peaches and Greens. What a wonderful concept for a city in such need! Tonight I saw a commercial for the ShineALight program run by NBC-Universal and American Express. I immediately thought of Peaches and Greens for a nomination into this program. I live in Gainesville, FL, a town that really could not be much more different that Detroit. But it was very very easy to see what a treasure this company is and will continue to become to that community. Unfortunately, when I created an account to nominate them, I realized they want a lot of information. I do not know a contact person for the company, a webstie, etc. Will you please go on and nominate Peaches and Greens. The website to nominate them is http://shinealight.ivillage.com/.

    You can email me at phd.payne@yahoo.com if you want, or if you feel so gracious to update me on the nomination. :) Thanks for taking the time to read this if you have.
    Anthony Payne
    University of Florida

  4. Sorry for the lame comment to an inspirational story...but I love your new header. Sa-weet.

  5. How exciting! And so is the FL comment! -Ariel!
