
loving literature

On Sunday, Doug & I went to the mall. I used up the rest of my GAP gift card (which was a birthday present! This may be the longest a gift card given to me has ever lasted!). I got an awesome outfit I'm pretty sure I'll wear to the Jack Johnson concert Doug & I are attending in June.

Oh, did I forget to mention before that DOUG AND I ARE GOING TO A JACK JOHNSON CONCERT IN JUNE?!

Because we are.

Anyway, while we were at the mall, we stumbled across what may have been the best used book sale in the world. I know I've talked about this before, but I am obsessed with books. The way they smell (especially old, musty books...), the way they look, the way the pages crinkle... when I saw the mountains of previously loved literature at bargain prices, I made the following remark to my amused husband: "I'm having trouble breathing."

We purchased the following:

-The Land of Oz, by L. Frank Baum
-Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton (guess who picked out this one?)
-100 Selected Poems, by e.e. cummings
-The Brothers Karamazov, by Dostoyevsky
-Crime & Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
-Notes from the Underground, Poor People, and The Friend of the family, by Dostoyevsky
-A Great Books Primer, ed. by Robert Hemenway
-The Sun Also Rises, by Hemingway
-Absalom, Absalom!, by Faulkner
-Tender is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
-Robert Frost's Poems, by Robert Frost
-The Borrowers Afloat, by Mary Norton
-A Good Man is Hard to Find & Other Stories, by Flannery O'Connor
-1984, by George Orwell (I swear I have this somewhere, but apparently Doug wanted his own copy.)
-We the Living, by Ayn Rand
-Nine Stories, by J.D. Salinger
-The Elements of Style, William Strunk & E.B. White (awesome 1959 edition!)
-Virgil and Other Latin Poets, by Virgil... and other Latin poets
-The Testament, by Elie Wiesel
-By the Shoes of Silver Lake, by Laura Ingalls Wilder
All of that came to a grand total of $5.83. And Doug graciously donated an extra $2, at which point I thought the cute old lady cashing us out was either going to have a heart attack or attempt to steal my husband.


  1. OH my GOSH... I am having a heart attack reading the list of books you got for SO CHEAP!! OH why can't we be home now?!?!

    I'm with you on old books... I recently was going to spend like $50 on an OLD set of Little House on the Prairie books (the old yellow ones!!) JUST because it's the old set. :)

  2. oohhh! Where is the book store you speak of? I also love old books (and new books).

  3. That's even better than the annual Long Lake book sale! Woohoo to you for such a find.

  4. I am so jealous of
    a.) your tickets to Jack Johnson &
    b) your new library
    c.) your shopping trip to Gap

    I looooove finding book sales....love it!

  5. bbbbbboooooooooooooookkkkkksss...

    Also, your husband's name is Doug? My boyfriend has the same name. I feel like this is significant somehow.
